Podcast #67 – Will Your Ex Get Everything if You Die?
In this episode of the Ontario Family Law Podcast, Certified Specialist in Family Law, John Schuman, explains what you have to do to keep your ex from getting everything if you die after separation and to ensure your inheritance goes where you want it to go. With concrete examples, he sets out the precise steps that every separated spouse should take to preserve his or her estate for loved ones.
In this Podcast, Family Lawyer, John Schuman explains how to prevent your ex-partner from acquiring your inheritance after your death.
For more information, check out www.DevryLaw.ca.
The companion book to this podcast, The Guide to the Basics of Ontario Family Law is available by clicking on the book to the right. The e-book is $9.99 and is available for immediate download from Amazon for Kindle, Kobo and iTunes for iPad, iPhone and Mac.If you have found this podcast useful, please feel free to share it on your social network by using the buttons to
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This podcast was provided for general information only. It does not constitute legal advice with regard to any specific situation.
Opening and closing music © 2010 Little Jackie Wright
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