To ensure we can serve our customers better, DSF has three convenient locations in Toronto, Whitby and Barrie. Our commercial real estate law firms, Toronto area, provide our complete range of services and a dedicated team at each location.
For further information or assistance finding a commercial real estate lawyer and location, please contact one of the Real Estate lawyers in Toronto, Barrie, or Whitby listed on the right by clicking on their name or call one of our main line at (416) 449-1400.
At DSF, we have worked to ensure our team can provide a comprehensive list of commercial real estate lawyer services with expertise and professionalism. We provide services ranging from acquisition and disposition, leasing and financing of industrial and commercial properties and condominiums, mortgages, debentures, and other forms of secured financing to ensure we can help your real estate endeavors at any stage of the process.
Additional DSF Real Estate Lawyer Services Include:
Our Real Estate Lawyer Services to Developers
Toronto Office
Whitby Office