How the Crazy Real Estate Market Affects Divorce and Separation Posted onApril 20, 2022April 20, 2022/ Devry Smith Frank LLP Podcast #70 – How the Crazy Real Estate Market Affects Divorce and Separation The housing market, with its rapidly rising real estate prices, has been a topic of conversation across Canada. It has also been a subject of interest in Family Courts, mediations and arbitrations. Separated and divorcing spouses either want to make sure they continue to share in the rapidly increasing value of the home or to make sure their former spouses do not. When spouses are married, they have matrimonial homes – sometimes more than one per couple – and those can create a lot of opportunities to gain great wealth, at the expense of the other spouse, in this real estate market. Common-law couples do not equalize their property, so how they have arranged their finances may mean they share in every increase in real estate values or do not share them at all. In this Podcast, Family Lawyer, John Schuman explains how the increase in value of matrimonial and family homes is shared, or is not, before and after separation, in the current crazy real estate market. For more information, check out The companion book to this podcast, The Guide to the Basics of Ontario Family Law is available by clicking on the book to the right. The e-book is $9.99 and is available for immediate download from Amazon for Kindle, Kobo and iTunes for iPad, iPhone and Mac.If you have found this podcast useful, please feel free to share it on your social network by using the buttons to the left or at the bottom of the page. Hundreds of people download episodes of the podcast every month because of the valuable information it provides on family law and family court issues. This podcast was provided for general information only. It does not constitute legal advice with regard to any specific situation. Opening and closing music © 2010 Little Jackie Wright Thanks for listening.