The Law of Marriage Contracts and Cohabitation Agreements Posted onSeptember 28, 2015July 5, 2023/ Devry Smith Frank LLP Podcast #32 – The Law of Marriage Contracts and Cohabitation Agreements One way to avoid many common family law problems, which is much more common than many people would suspect, is for a couple to get a marriage contract (which is called a prenuptial agreement in some US states) or cohabitation agreements. These agreements can take people out of the usual procedures for addressing legal issues during and after marriage and avoid a lot of the controversial issues that cause fights and even long battles after separation. But to have such an agreement hold up, and protect you and your family and also avoid difficult litigation in the event of a separation. You have to follow the law that governs making marriage contracts and cohabitation agreements. People who work out a marriage contract before the wedding have given what marriage means more serious thought and go into the relationship and obligations knowing what they are getting into. Because they have done that, the foundation of the marriage is stronger and separation and using the marriage contract is less likely. Marriage contracts or cohabitation agreements have saved many relationships by addressing and removing issues that have caused the couple stress. This podcast is essential listening for anyone getting married or considering moving in with someone. For more information, check out The companion book to this podcast, The Guide to the Basics of Ontario Family Law is available by clicking on the book to the right. The e-book is $9.99 and is available for immediate download from Amazon for Kindle, Kobo and iTunes for iPad, iPhone and Mac.If you have found this podcast useful, please feel free to share it on your social network by using the buttons to the left or at the bottom of the page. Hundreds of people download episodes of the podcast every month because of the valuable information it provides on family law and family court issues.